To insure all documents can be properly recorded and reproduced by imaging and microfilming, HB 525 was signed and sets forth the following guidelines for document preparation:
Computer font size of at least 10 point
Minimum paper size 8 ½” x 11” and maximum paper size 8 ½” x 14”
Black or Blue ink only; no use of highlighting
3” margin on the top of the first page reserved for recorder, auditor and engineer only
1 ½” margin on top of each of the remaining pages and margins of 1” on each side of the page and on the bottom
If a document does not conform to these guidelines, an additional recording fee of $20 will be charged. This $20 fee will also be automatically charged to any E-File document that does not meet the above standardization Guidelines.
This law does not apply to the following:
Any document from any court or taxing authority;
Any State or Federal document;
Any document executed before July 1, 2009.
Notary stamps and seals must be in black or blue ink only. Notary stamp must be completely legible and not touching embossed seal.
Signature must be signed in black or blue ink only. If a signature is illegible, a legible, printed, typewritten or stamped name shall be placed directly under the signature.
According to statue, the statement: This instrument prepared by clause must appear at the conclusion of the document and the name printed, typewritten, stamped or signed legibly.
If the above requirements are followed, delays in recording documents will be eliminated.
As always, your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Dawn Zinni
Trumbull County Recorder